You can view an estimate of shipping costs by adding items to your cart. However, final shipping costs will be displayed on the Invoice you see before confirming your order.
We ONLY Ship FedEx.
If you have a larger order, please call us at 877-692-9125 Ext 1 and we can try to work a better shipping number for you.
If you bought the wrong item, we understand. we can return or exchange your item, but you will need to obtain an RMA and pay for shipping back to our Manufacturer within 30 days of purchase.
This return policy is directly related to our supplier, as we pass on the savings to you by shipping directly from them.
We will not take back anything that has been installed or attempted to be installed.
The product will be inspected upon arrival!!
Our Manufacturer charges us a 25% restocking fee that we will need to pass along to you.
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